
Once purchased, you can use these sounds as many times as you like in as many projects as you like. Full legal lingo below, but that's the jist.


License Agreement Terms

The following applies to single user license agreement. For multiuser license agreement, please contact:

This license agreement (this “agreement”) is made between Nice Ventures Ltd (as “licensor” or “Nice Ventures Ltd”) and You (as “licensee” or “You”). By purchasing and downloading any of the Nice Sound Effect sound libraries offered on the site, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

1. Grant of License

The licensor grants you a non-exclusive royalty free license to use the Sounds anywhere in the world for the remaining of the life of copyright on the terms set out in this license agreement.

2. Rights Granted

The license granted in this Agreement allows Licensee to:

  1. Use the Sounds (as part of Licensee’s product/production) for Licensee’s lifetime, within different or various Licensee works or projects (“Projects”) as Licensee sees fit;
  2. Synchronise the Sounds with any type of audio and visual productions such as short film, feature length film, TV, commercials, animation, music, computer/video games, audiobooks, and multimedia applications.
  3. Use Subject Material as part of a public viewing or broadcast of your production or product such as web sites, podcasting, radio, film, TV, DVD, and Blu-ray.

3. Limitations

You are not authorised to:

  1. Claim authorship or ownership of any of the Subject Material covered by this license.

  2. Sell, give away, share, lend, sublease or provide access to the unsynchronised

    Subject Material to any other party through any type of delivery method, not limited to private or public networks on the World Wide Web.

4. Liability

Licensor accepts no responsibility for any loss of business or business profits resulting directly or indirectly from the performance of any of Library or Sound. Licensor’s liability is limited and restricted solely to replacement of the Subject Material at no charge to Licensee.

All terms apply to a individual user. For Multi-User organisations with 3+ users per workstation, a multi-user license is required. Please contact us at for more details.